Fatumo Osman

Fotograf Maria Hansson. Fatumo Osman.

Fatumo Osman, PhD

Fatumo is a nurse, lecturer and PhD candidate from Sweden. Her area of interest is sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and children’s health and wellbeing and parental support. For the past seven years, Fatumo has worked in the area of education on sexual and reproductive health and rights in low-resource settings. She is involved with education at Masters level both in Somalia and in Bangladesh. There, she assists midwives in the Midwifery Faculties with capacity-building and to improve the quality of midwifery education with the long term goal of decreasing maternal and child mortality. Fatumo’s area of research focuses on the evaluation of an implemented, culturally sensitive parenting support program for Somali-born parents living in Sweden. The project aims to support parent-child relationships and to improve parents’ and children’s health and wellbeing. Her dream is to continue working on women’s access to health services and health education in low-resource settings, with likeminded people.

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